AE牛顿动力学插件 Newton V3.4 CC2014 – 2022 Win/Mac破解版 + 视频教程
Newton 3新功能:
- 自带单独的关键帧曲线控制面板
- 增加车轮和气球动力学效果
- 快速给场景添加墙壁
- 将动画导出关键帧形式
- 增加多种物体链接方式
Newton 3 brings realistic physics to After Effects, making your 2D composition layers act like solid objects that interact with each other – just like in the real world. It gives you many ways to control the properties of your objects, including type, density, friction, bounciness and velocity. You can also change world properties, like gravity. What’s more, Newton 3 allows you to create realistic joints between objects, so you can easily create complex motion. Once you complete your simulation, the animation is recreated in After Effects with standard keyframes, so you can adjust the timing however you choose.
- 2022,2021,2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014,Win/Mac
- 将Newton文件夹拷贝到AE安装目录的Plugins
- 重启AE,在顶部菜单,合成-Newton 3,用一下插件,在Newton的弹窗,左上角,Newton-Registration,输入序列号之后Activate完成激活
- MOBONWT3*GFX*Camp*202107310319789SUL999
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